General Terms and Conditions

§ 1 General

Participation in the events organised and offered by

UFGC GmbH | Grillparzerstraße 26 | A-8010 Graz | Austria | Tel: +43 699 13331303
e-Mail: | ATU 70187068 | Company Register No. FN 445350b (hereinafter: Organizer)

shall be governed exclusively by these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC). The following GTC apply for the entire period of the contractual relationship between the organiser and the participant and for all services in connection with the booking and participation in events of the organiser.

§ 2 Conclusion of the contract

The contract for participation for the entire period of the event is concluded by completing an electronic booking. Acceptance by the organiser must be in writing and is effected by sending an e-mail. A ticket purchase made either via the booking system on the website or also via e-mail correspondence is binding. The purchase is confirmed by an automated e-mail from the organiser. Failure to receive the automated email does not release the purchaser from his obligations. The organiser is free to reject ticket purchases made with false information without giving reasons. If a contract is concluded by means other than electronic means, the applicable statutory provisions shall apply. If the booking is made by a private individual, attending the event constitutes a leisure activity, whereby the special right of withdrawal under the Distance and Outward Transactions Act does not apply.

§ 3 Payment, cancellation and disclosure to third parties

The prices stated on the website are gross prices in euros. The legally applicable value added tax (VAT) is included. The price is payable immediately upon purchase using a payment method offered by the organiser.

The ticket may be passed on to third parties. UFGC GmbH must be notified regarding ticket changes via sending an email to this email address: The changes will be carried out by them. A fee of 10 € per record to be changed will be charged for the processing. Exceptions to this are special tickets such as student tickets, start-up tickets and young leader tickets, which require written permission from UFGC GmbH before they can be passed on.

§ 4 Limitation of benefits and liability

In the event of cancellation or postponement of the event due to unforeseen political or economic events beyond the control of the organiser, or force majeure, there shall be no entitlement to a refund of the ticket price. The organiser will immediately announce a cancellation or postponement of the event by appropriate means via website, newsletter or social media. Further claims for damages, such as loss of earnings, pro rata wage costs or travel and accommodation costs, are also expressly excluded.

The organiser is not liable for the quality of the lectures and presentations and in particular not for the cancellation of lecturers or the course and content of the event. Furthermore, the organiser accepts no liability for the correctness and completeness of the information provided in the lectures and presentations. Participants have no entitlement to specific program items and/or speakers. The organiser shall only be liable for damages in the event of gross negligence and/or intent. Furthermore, the organiser is not liable for loss of or damage to items brought or purchased and excludes liability for personal injury. Any loss of profit will not be compensated.

§ 5 Personal data

The participant explicitly agrees to the electronic storage of his/her personal data for administrative purposes in regards to the conference registration and for the general receipt of information concerning the conference. The name, position and company or organisation affiliation of each participant shall furthermore be provided to all conference partners, sponsors and participants through an official list of participants. In the case of a virtual event, in order to facilitate full functionality of the virtual conference platform, this data will also be provided to our platform partner. For live events, this data will also be provided to our ticketing and registration partner.

§ 6 Value added tax

Tax for virtual events:Services that are largely provided by humans and for which the Internet is only the communications channel, do not constitute electronically supplied services according to the VAT guidelines, which is why Austrian VAT applies.
(cf. 642 UStR)

Tax for live events:VAT is payable in the country in which the service is received.

§ 7 Video and still photography

The conference will be comprehensively documented. By entering the conference area, participants agree to the free of charge publication and use of photographic, film and audio recordings which are produced at the conference and which could also feature the respective participant. Should a participant give interviews to conference staff, he/she provides clearance for the unrestricted use of the material generated.

§ 8 Court of jurisdiction

The courts of Graz, Austria will have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute arising under or in connection with this agreement.

§ 9 Copyright

Unauthorised recording, copying, editing or other use of the data published by the organiser is only permitted with the written consent of the organiser. Any processing, duplication, distribution or public reproduction going beyond this constitutes a breach of copyright.

§ 10 Amendments

The organiser expressly reserves the right to make changes to the program, the speakers, the location and all organisational agendas connected with the event, even at short notice.

§ 11 Special ticket categories

Student ticket
Only those who are also under 27 years of age at the time of the event are eligible to purchase a regular Student ticket. Student ticket holders will be required to present proof of eligibility for this ticket during check-in at the conference via a valid student ID.

Official’s ticket
The reduced rate of the official’s tickets are reserved for delegates of cities, NGOs and Universities. Only those affiliated with the aforementioned types of institutions at the time of purchase are eligible to purchase an official’s ticket.

Special category ticket holders will be required to present proof of eligibility for these ticket during check-in at the conference.

Those who cannot prove their eligibility must pay for a regular ticket at the rate applicable at the time of the event. If this is not possible, the organiser reserves the right to refuse the participant admission to the event without compensation.

In any case, students and officials appear as private persons when booking, therefore § 2 last sentence of these GTC is also applicable in any case.